CEPT Workshops invites applications for the full-time position for FABLAB - Coordinator. We are looking for dynamic professionals who can work with a team of students at FABLAB. We are looking for a person who has the knowledge of working with programming, electronics and mechanics.
Post : FABLAB - Coordinator
The required skill set:
Management, problem-solving, organisational & decision-making skills with positive attitude.Promotes the FABLAB and manage the finances.Coordination with University offices for routine workGuide FabLab Technicians & studentsProgramming, Electronics & Mechanical work knowledge.Maintaining FabLab, tools and machines CAD/CAM, 3D Modelling software
Education : Minimum three years of experience in working with an electronic machine and its operation, handling and guiding a user. Candidates with qualifications of Bachelors in Engineering / Architect/ Design, also excellent oral communication & teaching skills can apply.
How to Apply : If you are interested to be associated with CEPT University, please send us via email a detailed resume along with a cover letter, which includes the following additional details:
Reason for applying for this position
Total years of experience
Current salary per month
Date of Birth
Please mention the APPLICATION FOR FABLAB - Coordinator in the subject line of your email.
If shortlisted for this position, you may be invited for an interview at the University. Travel costs are to be borne by the candidate.
Contact Person: Hardi Shah
Email ID: jobs@cept.ac.in
Contact No: 079 26302616, Ext No: 152
Post : FABLAB - Coordinator
The required skill set:
Management, problem-solving, organisational & decision-making skills with positive attitude.Promotes the FABLAB and manage the finances.Coordination with University offices for routine workGuide FabLab Technicians & studentsProgramming, Electronics & Mechanical work knowledge.Maintaining FabLab, tools and machines CAD/CAM, 3D Modelling software
Education : Minimum three years of experience in working with an electronic machine and its operation, handling and guiding a user. Candidates with qualifications of Bachelors in Engineering / Architect/ Design, also excellent oral communication & teaching skills can apply.
How to Apply : If you are interested to be associated with CEPT University, please send us via email a detailed resume along with a cover letter, which includes the following additional details:
Reason for applying for this position
Total years of experience
Current salary per month
Date of Birth
Please mention the APPLICATION FOR FABLAB - Coordinator in the subject line of your email.
If shortlisted for this position, you may be invited for an interview at the University. Travel costs are to be borne by the candidate.
Contact Person: Hardi Shah
Email ID: jobs@cept.ac.in
Contact No: 079 26302616, Ext No: 152
Advertisement : Click HereLast Date : The position is open until filled but priority will be given to applications received till 30th Nov 2016
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