Important Notice regarding downloading of call letter for the exams of, Advt No. 55, 56, 57 & 25/2016-17  |
Syllabus of Assistant Professor Gujarati in Govt Arts, Science & Commerce College, Advt 69/2016-17  |
Syllabus of Assistant Professor Political Science, Advt No. 76/2016-17  |
Notice regarding downloading of call letter for the exam of Assistant
Inspector of Motor Vehicle, Class-III, Advt No. 32/2016-17  |
of Candidates Eligible for the Interview for the Post of Assistant
Engineer (Civil), Road and Building, Class-2, Advt. No. 139/2015-16  |
Child Development Project officer (Female), General State Service,
Class-2, under Women and Child Development Department ( Advt-59/2016-17)
for the Post of Assistant Professor, Sociology of Government Arts,
Science & Commerce College, GES, Class-2, Advt No. 78/2016-17  |
Lecturer, Gujarat Nursing Service, Class-2, Advt No. 106/2016-17
Manager, Grade-1, Circuit House - Vishram Gruh, Road and Building Department, Class-2, Advt No. 108/2016-17
Geologist, Gujarat Mining Service, Class-1, Advt No. 109/2016-17
Assistant Geologist, Commissionerate of Geology and Mining, Class-2, Advt No. 110/2016-17
Result of the Interview for the post of Lecturer, Architecture Assistantship, Class-2, Advt No. 83/2015-16  |