GPSC (Gujarat Public Service Commission) has published result for the post of Accounts Officer Class 2 & Commercial Tax Officer Class 2 Prelim exam Results the following 5497 candidates are declared provisionally qualified in the Combined Competitive exam conducted by the GPSC on 22-01-2017 for the post of Accounts Officer Class 2 & Commercial Tax Officer Class 2. The provisionally qualified candidates are declared eligible for the Main Written Examination, subject to their fulfilling all conditions of eligibility of Advt.37/2016-17.
All these candidates have to apply in an application form prescribed for admission to the Main Written Examination proposed to be connected on 02,08 & 09 July, 2017 At Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar centre.
As per instruction circulated vide Circular No. PRC-102016/27502/G.2 of Gujarat Administration Department date 23/09/2017 General candidates have been treated as General Category Candidates. As such, the candidates have availed age relaxation during their online application are treated as above age and not eligible for exam.
GPSC Accounts Officer Class-2 And Commercial Tax Officer Class-2 Prelim Result 2017
In accordance with the rules of the examination, all these candidates have to apply again for admission to the Main examination in the detailed application form, as per the instruction of the commission.All these candidates have to apply in an application form prescribed for admission to the Main Written Examination proposed to be connected on 02,08 & 09 July, 2017 At Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar centre.
As per instruction circulated vide Circular No. PRC-102016/27502/G.2 of Gujarat Administration Department date 23/09/2017 General candidates have been treated as General Category Candidates. As such, the candidates have availed age relaxation during their online application are treated as above age and not eligible for exam.
Posts : Accounts Officer Class-2 & Commercial Tax Officer Class-2
Advt no. : 37/2016-17
Qualified Candidates List : Click Here
Notification :Click Here
Syllabus for Main Exam : Click Here